Don't Let Clutter Control You

It's the clutter that's stressing you out. It's the mess that's slowing you down. It's the overwhelming volume of stuff that's making you lose your mind. When you're organized, you have time for the things that truly matter. Let's get started on your project today.

How NXT Stages…Life Reorganized can help you

Life is a series of different stages- and during each phase, the spaces we live and work in often need to adjust to the changes of life’s stages as well.

Our home is a reflection of our life-style; we furnish it with various items, and we collect objects and mementos of people, places and events that were important. We add to our wardrobe articles of clothing for work, play and special occasions. Our rooms get filled with a wide variety of elements: books, music, movies, art, equipment – the categories are endless- and before you know it- the items have taken over the balance and order that your space was intended to offer you.

NXT Stages understands that Life requires you to Reorganize- and we can help you get out from under the clutter and assist as you make the best decisions to take to control of your “stuff”.

NXT Stages has extensive experience helping clients with the most challenging times in one’s life:

•The death of a loved one
•Downsizing as a result of a divorce or adjusting to the “empty nest”
•Adapting to options of assisted-living or nursing care
•Preparing a home for sale
•Reorganizing a room/space for a different purpose

As well as simply-

•Clearing clutter and implementing better storage and organizational systems (kitchen/closets/garage/basement/attic)
•Adopting a mindset and ongoing system to live a life of simplicity and order

With NXT Stages there are no judgements, no pressure and no project is too big or too small.

NXT Stages is a full-service professional re-organization team that helps you overcome the challenges of sorting, inventorying, packing, moving, donating, selling or disposing of the contents of a space with careful attention to the emotion, time-frame and budget that works best for you and your needs.

How It Works

NXT Stages has a 4-step process that provides expert organization anything from small to large spaces. Here’s how we can get started:


We come to your location to fully understand your circumstances, timetable and assess the full scope of your project needs


We will draft a comprehensive plan and proposal with regards to schedule, budget and phases of your project


We will implement the plan systematically addressing every detail from sorting, categorizing, inventorying, labeling, and assigning the items to be kept/sold/donated or disposed of. We can offer suggestions of storage solutions and guide you on how to maintain a CLUTTER FREE life-style. You will get daily reports of the progress. You may opt to be involved in some way- or leave it to us to get what needs doing DONE!


Once the space is reorganized, we offer the option of a deep cleaning


  • We can coordinate with your moving company
  • We have relationships with appraisal/auction houses for specialty items of value
  • We can advise you of realtors, document storage/shredding and other services need dictates
  • Meet NXT STAGES Clear Clutter Coach-Dorian Stern

    Dorian Stern is a professional organizer, certified by APO (association of professional organizers) with a passion for cleanliness, organization and efficient spaces. She launched NXT Stages to assist people in transitioning to a clutter-free lifestyle. She is able to assist her clients in organizing their homes, offices, garages, and any space that needs her expertise. Her ultimate goal is to help her clients achieve a greater sense of balance in their lives by decreasing their stress level which is always directly impacted by their environment.

    Praise and Testimonials

    NXT Stages moved us from CHAOS TO PEACE and helped us sell the home so we could all move forward - simply wonderful experience from start to finish!

    G.L New York

    NXT Stages is remarkable- not only in the quality of the work- but in the kindness and comfort they offered me throughout this difficult time.

    D.S. California

    In a matter of 2 weeks we went from FEAR to FANTASTIC and we are loving every moment with our new environment.

    B.R. New York

    Calm from Clutter

    Do you feel like you're living in clutter chaos?  Are you ready to feel empowered by taking your space from overwhelming to organized? You can achieve calm from clutter. If you're ready for change then read from our blog posts to help you start your journey to an organized lifestyle.


    From Clutter To Clarity

    From bedrooms to kitchens, garages to basements; with a few simple strategies you will finally be able to enjoy your space and understand the simple ways to keep it clean, organized and welcoming for yourself and others. In "From Clutter To Clarity," you'll get practical, easy advice to declutter your life from professional organizer Dorian Stern.